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By Alec
1 author
17 articles
Is Afforai free to use?
What makes Afforai different from products like ChatGPT, Zotero, and Mendeley?
How secure is my data with Afforai?
Where can I check out Product Updates, Roadmap, and Request Features?
do I need to create another account for the community?
Afforai Reference Manager
How do I select multiple files at once?
Is there a limit on number of people I can invite to my library?
how many citation styles does Afforai support?
What types of files can I upload to Afforai?
Do you support OCR for scanned PDFs?
What’s "Convert to Markdown" in "Upload URL"?
Afforai AI Research Assistant
Can I share my Afforai AI assistant with others?
Can I create a chatbot to embed into a website with Afforai?
What's the difference between "Delete Conversation" and "Delete Chat History" in Afforai?
Does Afforai AI assistant have message word limit?
Afforai Notebook
How to disable email notifications for Afforai Notebook?
Afforai Enterprise Organization
What's the difference between "Shared Libraries" and "Organization Plan" in Afforai?